
Second post : penang snake temple and bla bla bla ❤

yohoo blogger again. 'kick lai liao' ! haha!

this is my second post at january of 2013  :P

want CNY liao.. all of you buy new year clothes liao ma? me not yet :/  

waiting the result of exam december. scare :/ no confident with one subject ! :(

haiz whatever la , i tried my best already ! (ps: comfort myself only.lol )

last last friday  i went penang with  mum !

we go snake temple. bat temple and bla bla bla bla bla :D

just let pic to talk . lol xD

halo i m snake! ( idiot me zz )

halo i m snake too! ( idiot x2 =.=)

this is me!! no make up !! these not point..the point is....
 this turtle was 70 ++ years old ad! haha :)

my lovely and pretty mum

I took the pic at snake temple only. other place no have took any pic. why?

because my phone low battery. zzz

and very lazy bring the DSLR camera go out . heavy .

after that we went jelutong do my things bla bla and go bat temple .

the bat temple i think is at air itam if no wrong, nearby bukit bendera :D

ok la ~ stop at here.

bye ^_^

Even hard, 
must continue 
DNT give up!


First Post at 2013 ♥♥

( no photo i take at 2013.so use old photo lol* )

hi readers! i know i was long time din update here.because i was lazy /.\

this is the first post for 2013. just want to write something what i want to say :) 

now is 1.28am. my mood very very very down seriously.

i get a shooting actually but no one fetch me go my mum and bf was busy.
why now is sem break >< if not i will be penang and no need so fash :(

i hope i can drive car go T_T  really sad/.\

Transpot problem really make my mood down and disappointed only! 

this is second time ad in this year !!!!  (︶︿︶)get angry* lol 

chance flied* but i think this year is my luck year ! be positive ! be happy !

why i think so? hmm because .... secret ! haha will write at here next time :)


miss pragin mall who got join? haha..friend keeping call me join but need votes at facebook to choose top 16 and 12 /.\  

i dislike the competition which need votes at facebook because it tired to call people vote!

summore some contestant very popular ! unfair for like me '平明百姓' lol hahaha xD

ok la i gonna go do something ! goodbye and goodnight!


Follow me:
Instragram : grace_wen1129
wechat : i  dnt knw what id i use.lol hahahah!(if really want can inbox me ur id i go add you =])
Facebook: grace chong (profile pic as the picture i put at upside one! ^^)


3rd anniversary with him ♥

my god,i didn't sleep tonight.super duper tired now. (because went out whole day to celebrate his birthday ! ><)

now 7am ,still got 2 hoursi need go class already , class until 4 pm>< wth ><

crazy.always insonmia TT

i was to blogging about with my bf 3rd anniversary

here we go ~ ^_^

yes.i m trying use english to blogging.

so if got anything i'm wrong please dnt laugh me xD

9-9-2009 is me and him 1st day ''paktor''
ps: its got means'九九九-长长久久' lol xD

my funny face xD

so 9-9-2012 is our 3rd annivesary , we go ate ''古早味'' stemboat .

the taste was nice! and the ''lok bak peng'' also nice to ate !

then we went to 1st avenue to saw his idol -- Yoga Lim

Awesome! very very very like to heard he sing at Live !

 his face make me laugh xD

After that , went gurney to enjoy a movie but forgot the movie name d XD

btw,i'm still happy although it's just a simple celebrate way with our 3rd anniversary.

ok,time to bath and preparing go to school.see you! :D




嘿嘿嘿 我没有说骗话哦 我来更新了 


我要写我去泰国玩的故事啦~~ ^^

hmm 我忘记几号了 -.-


妈咪去按摩 我和老公去麦当劳叔叔 ^^

麦当劳的叔叔的人物在泰国是双手合十的噢 超可爱 (照片不在我这里,post不到><'')

我还被那边做工的人称赞很可爱 !

被称赞的女人哪个不开心? 表骗我 :P

之后我告诉妈咪 妈咪说[在男友面前被称赞的女人是最骄傲的]

我直接用骄傲的眼神看老公 XD

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈  :P


之后就休息啦 晚上去clubbing XD

其实我去那边的目的是看model show ~

 每个漂亮到 ~ 不管有没有动过刀 她们漂亮就是事实 ^_^

之后还有很多人唱歌啊~什么的~ 嘿嘿 :D

很开心 then之后2-3点就跑去吃宵夜和睡觉了 ^^ 

隔天就回囖~下次我还要去 :D


写到这里囖 88 ^^



好爱这张照片噢 嘿嘿^_^

我好久没来了丫  大概一个月这样 挺不自在的 


哈哈哈 不过这篇我要写完 


 虽然我有一点接受不到 哭也哭过了 emo也emo过了 

认真想想 我为什么要那么悲伤 根本就不值得

对你最好的报复就是 我要活得比你更漂亮 更有自信 更有色彩  不是么?

所以今天开始扫掉我的伤感 努力的活下去 不让自己有那么一点点的悲伤 

你已经不在我心目中那个重要圈里了 :)

哈哈哈 开头就写了那么多废话 XD

现在写我之前考完试 和4个姐妹去逛街 吃火锅之家啦 ^__^ 

siao eh all xD

那天不是普通的开心 哈哈 ~ 因为刚考完试 ~


不过我玩乐的故事就在下一篇写啦 ~ 我保证不会要等1个月 xD 

接下来还要写我的啊嘀又回kl了 舍不得 T_T
昨天也来个姐妹聚会 叫老公载我们去sp找鱼 (好久没有看到她了 好瘦><)

去吃了东西 拍了照片 谈了天 就回家了 ~ 照片在put那边 TT 

会想念她 ! 我们11/12月要去摇huh XD 

如果可以的话啦 哈哈哈 :P

我们一起存钱吧 ^_^

哈哈哈 想到就很开心丫.

开心的心情 再见喽^_^ 

继续关注我的部落格哟 :D

我最不想面对的减肥又来了 TT


Aery Jo Makeup Show


写写星期六我的工作天~ AERY JO MAKE UP SHOW =)

那天比赛的是化妆师 5个评审(4个韩国人 1个新加坡人)





不过是一个很棒的经验 我认识到更多的人 开心开心

可是我有一个小错误!! 我无法原谅自己 TT

就是我的高鞋勾到我的婚纱啦 走快会跌倒 走慢好像坡脚 ><

haiz 讲起一次我就生气自己一次 T.T

总之那天就过得还不错 ^^


谁有去?来meet吧~ XD

努力存钱 存钱 存钱 存钱 存钱


随意更新 ♥


达朗~好久没写啦 ^^

现在更新两下~ :p

hmm 主要还是想写我这两个礼拜的生活 

我上个礼拜又去唱k了 O.O

还形成了J.E.G J-Jessy E-Elene G-Grace.

哈哈哈 很搞笑 

我花钱如水~都是在吃和玩 ><  ps.我好像不是女生 xD 我很少shopping的 ><

有点过意不去 >< 不过我天生爱玩 XD

下个礼拜我可能也要去唱 =P 

本来要去看戏的 结果有事情今天回来了 

学校3个assignment1个presentation T.T 

我不大会做=.= 而且要很多叻 ><

呜呜呜呜 TT 

自己加油! :p

好啦 冲凉去 >< 88 XD

无论什么事情 要记得微笑>.^

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